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Single fold PP closed strap & packing clip machine for 13 mm





One machine can produce both double and one fold

PP plastic strap clip by changing the mold on

the same machine

But for some customers they like to fucos on single fold PP clip production

because of less cost and more output in the same time

Please download the detailed specification for future study



Please contact us if you want to produce less cost

single fold PP strapping clips



Double-fold PP strapping clip machine


Customer service

We have many customers who ship their machines and materials with 20 feet container.   But the freight is very high nowadays, so they ask us to serve them with more commodities filling  in the container to save space and save freight for them   We are happy to serve them like that.  We will do the same if you order our machines and steel materials and request us to load more other items which you need from other suppliers or searched suppliers

Please read more >>>




contact us by WhatsApp:colin ( +85362802153);Tegram: zjaska (+8618621323471)







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