How to solve the problem of big cam getting loose for steel seal machine

Please check the video and follow the instruction to solve the problem.





We provide online after serivce consultant


If you still can not solve the problem after viewing the video,

please contact us by Wechat ( +86 18621323471)

our technician will online gives advice on how to solve

the probem step by step.


Customer service is a key motivator to consumers 

when they buy strapping clip machines.
 You may have an all-star product, but without a good relationship
 with our customers, our sales will never reach the levels that we desire.
we have sold many strapping clip machines to many countries across the world
Not only cost-effective or good and cheap feature but also most importantly, the
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and after-service
Everybody has experience with customer service, 
and often times our perception of a business is largely defined
 by how we have been treated in a customer service setting. 
Your level of service will define how people think of you, 
so it’s important to establish an effective customer service 
strategy in order to retain customers and generate new  win-win
long term relationships with customers




contact us by WhatsApp:colin ( +85362802153);Tegram: zjaska (+8618621323471)







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