The steel-strapping clip-machine can make the snap-on steel seal both by automatic style machine and semi- style machine
Speed: 90 pieces/minute ( which can be faster by adjusting the machine belt wheel)
products size -19 mm-
This size is desgined for standard steel strapping tool application which can used by
any SIGNODE tools or devices
Material: steel coil gavanized
Video clip >>> steel-strapping clip-machine video
Specification >>> down load specification of steel-strapping clip-machine
Price: get the price at the price list page :
( please add WhatsApp contact and get more information about it)
The snap-on steel seal 3/4" can be sealed by sealer from Signode 34c
The size of the seal is made accurately with tolerance -/+ 0.2 mm
So all the tool can use the same model snap-on steel seal 34 c
this is the size which shows how accurate the seal size can be
make the seal and save the cost greatly
Please send an email to us
and get a quotation for the machine